New York City Zoning R8B
Hamoun Nik2023-08-01T01:49:44+00:00ZONE R8B
(Quality Housing)
Applicable Use:
Use group 1: Detached (single family)
Use group 2: All conditions (Single / two / Multi Family)
Use group 3: and 4 (community facility use)
Applicable Bulk:
Minimum Lot area : All conditions: 1,700 sf
Minimum Lot width : All conditions: 18 sf
Minimum Rear yard : 30 ft
Maximum Lot Coverage
Corner lot : 100%
Other lot: Narrow street 70 %
Other lot: Narrow street 70 %
Open Space Ratio : N/A
FAR (floor area ratio)
-Residential (basic wide st.) 4.00
-Residential (basic Narrow st.) 4.00
-Residential (MIH Wide st.) N/A
-Residential (MIH Narrow st.) N/A
-Community facility: 4.00
Sky Exposure Plane: N/A
Base height (min-max)
Basic Narrow st.: 50-65 ft
Basic Wide st.: 50-65 ft
Basic + QGF : N/A
Inclusionary: N/A
Building height (max)
Basic: 75 ft
Basic + QGF: N/A
Inclusionary: N/A
Inclusionary + QGF: N/A
*QGF= Qualifying Ground Floor
Maximum Number of stories:
-Basic narrow St.: N/A
-Basic wide St. : N/A
-Basic wide with QGF : N/A
-Inclusionary narrow/wide : N/A
Dwelling unit factor: detached and semi-detached: 680
Other conditions: 680
Required Parking:
50% of Dwelling Units
Income Restricted Housing Units (IRHU) :
-Outside Transit Zone: 15%
-inside Transit Zone: 0%
Affordable Independent Residence for seniors (AIRS):
-Outside Transit Zone: 10%
-Inside Transit Zone: 0%
*small lot 10,000 ft. or less: N/A
10,000 – 15,000: N/A
Waived if the number smaller than: 15 Parkings
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